How can a man grow long hair?

How can a man grow long hair?
  1. What affects growth?
  2. Use of professional formulations
  3. Folk remedies
  4. Correct care
  5. What shouldn't you do?
  6. Helpful hints

Nowadays, not only women, but also men of all ages are closely watching their appearance. For some, status and style is expressed in beautiful clothes, someone is fixated on expensive accessories, but the overwhelming majority of men are unlikely to deny the importance of such a status element as a chic hairstyle, so the issue of growing, preserving and improving their hairstyle cannot be ignored. ...

What affects growth?

To understand the factors and patterns that affect the growth of hair on the head, it is necessary to turn to their physiology. Hair is a derivative of the skin, many components of their growth are genetically determined, that is, you are very lucky if both parents have a luxurious head. Hormones affect hair growth, so men's curls tend to grow noticeably faster than women's, for the same reason, men suffer from earlier periods of their loss.

We must not forget that a positive attitude also affects the maintenance of hair, as opposed to chronic stress - lack of sleep, poor nutrition, unstandardized loads provoke earlier loss of a significant part of the hair. Hair grows back in men 1.5 centimeters per month, for women - 1/5 less, so they need more time to restore the original hair length after a short haircut, but women's hair is still more viable.

It is impossible to exclude the influence of environmental factors - harmful chemical industries nearby, the quality of drinking water.

The behavioral aspects of life also contribute to the condition of the hairline. - alcohol, tobacco and a number of narcotic substances directly wear out the skin, and also disrupt the general condition of the body, which affects the metabolism and the provision of the skin and hair with substances necessary for growth.

Hair care has a definite effect - the frequency of haircuts, the degree of trauma of the technique used by the master, the quality of the processing of the tools. It often happens that during a haircut, the master can severely damage the structure of the hairs, which will lead to their further thinning and loss.

The anatomical and physiological features of the hair deserve special attention. Its basis is a follicle, from which 3 to 5 hairs originate, and the growth period is divided into several stages:

  • active, which lasts up to 5 years, with a maximum growth rate;
  • slowing down, with a drop in the growth rate by about half;
  • rest, when the hair practically does not grow, and soon it completely falls out.

The ratio of the number of hairs in different phases of growth directly affects the current condition and appearance of the hairstyle.

Hair growth is also influenced by the fact that in young people, the hair is more greasy due to the peculiarities of the hormonal background (the predominance of testosterone), and they also have a more rigid structure than in women, and more sensitive bulbs in certain areas. Therefore, with alopecia in men, the crown and the frontal part of the head are the first to suffer - the hair follicles in this area are more sensitive to the by-products of testosterone metabolism.

Seasonality is also important. In winter, a person is exposed to low temperatures, and the air is drier, in autumn and spring, high humidity affects the skin, and in summer - heat and intense UV radiation. And without proper care and individually selected support, the hairline will not only not increase in size, but, on the contrary, will begin to noticeably decrease.

Use of professional formulations

Many manufacturers offer a line of professional formulations to restore thickness and length of hair. They often include all or at least most of the components they need, such as vitamins, keratin and others.

The following manufacturers offer the most effective hair thickening products.

  • Kora - shampoo, mask and activator tonic will strengthen the hair, rejuvenate the scalp and make it more resistant to harmful substances and factors.
  • Rene furterer forticea - a complex consisting of shampoo, Triphastic serums and RF80. The recommended course is up to 4 months. It allows you to repair even serious hair damage.
  • Vichy offers a versatile remedy suitable for both men and women.
  • Nioxin produces a specialized product for men's hair, which includes harmless components and special dietary supplements that eliminate nutritional deficiencies in hair.
Rene furterer forticea

Also, shampoos with natural essential oils deserve special attention. Among them, the most popular are:

  • Lanotech - shampoo containing tea tree essential oils;
  • Klorane - a complex of compounds of quinine and vitamins;
  • Novelle Ultra drops - this product contains ginseng, known for its healing effects on the skin, roots and hair structure.
Novelle Ultra drops

Folk remedies

Quite often, various folk remedies are used to care for men's hair, which can be prepared even at home.

For example, it is worth considering mustard mask, for which we need two tablespoons of mustard powder, the same amount of castor oil and sugar, and yolk. First, you need to dilute the mustard powder to the consistency of sour cream, then add the rest of the ingredients and only then apply the mask to the roots, leaving for 15 minutes. It is advisable to insulate your head for this time with a towel or something else.

If you make such a mask once a week, then its components will help to cause physiological irritation of the scalp, which will improve tissue nutrition and have a very positive effect on hair regrowth.

For honey mask you need an onion and honey (about a quarter of the volume of an onion). Grind the onion into porridge, mix with honey, then insist in a dark place for an hour and a half. The finished mask can be used no more than once every half a month, applying to clean hair for one hour.

Also very effective is pepper remedy, for the manufacture of which you will need 100 ml of brandy and 10 g of black pepper. After mixing, this composition is infused for 7 days in a dark place. The finished product should be diluted with boiling water (1: 10) and once a week applied to the hair before bedtime.

You can make a special hair mask made of egg yolks and aloe juice, which can be immediately applied to the scalp and washed off after half an hour.

This option is fast-acting and has an effect not only on the growth of new hair, but also strengthens all curls, making them softer and silky.

To irritate and therefore stimulate hair growth, you can also use a mixture of half a liter of water and two tablespoons of pepper alcoholic tincture. This product can be applied for just 10 minutes, after which you will need to thoroughly rinse your head with cool water.

A large number of pharmacy plants (for example, chamomile, oak bark, nettle, and others) can be used as a decoction - they are great for saturating the hair structure with nutrients, as well as reducing inflammation that interferes with healthy growth.

There are options for using oils not in mixtures, but in pure form.

For example, burdock or coconut. The first has a lower cost and very good efficiency, but coconut is more exotic and fragrant.In both cases, the oil should be applied to the hair roots and scalp, then wrap the head with a cloth and wait about half an hour, after which it is necessary to rinse them with natural shampoo.

Correct care

There are several "secrets" to proper hair care.

  • Brush daily - Regular scalp irritation will stimulate blood flow, it also creates a more well-groomed look and helps to disperse the hair oil.
  • Do not over-wash your hair, as shampoos wash away the sebum, depriving the hair of its protection. In response to this, its secretion will increase. Twice a week will be enough.
  • Do not wash your hair with hot water, as it stimulates the loss of moisture in the hair accessory apparatus. For scalp hygiene, moderate temperature water is much better.
  • Be sure to determine your skin and hair type, many aspects of hair care will depend on this.
  • Use products to stimulate hair growth. They will contribute to the processes of their recovery and growth.
  • You need to cut your hair at least once every six months or a year, but not radically - just slightly reduce the length to eliminate excessive mechanical stress on the skin.
  • Do not use hair dryers, chemicals and paints unnecessarily in order to reduce the damaging effect on the hairline.
  • We must not forget that hair does not live separately from the body, therefore it is necessary to provide them with internal nutrition, consuming the optimal amount of proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates and fats. Meat, dairy products, and sometimes fish will be especially useful. You can also include olive oil in your diet.
  • Be sure to evaluate the composition of your hygiene products - everything that contains silicone and harmful sulfates should be excluded.
  • After using the shampoo, apply a conditioner balm - it will protect the hair from contamination, rinsing off the shampoo remains and what it has not removed.

What shouldn't you do?

When caring for men's hair and especially when growing them, do not abuse the opportunity to wash your hair - washing off the protective layer of sebum leads to drying out and damage to the hair structures.

It is not harmful, but it is absolutely useless to go to a hairdresser or stylist often - cutting hair does not stimulate their growth in any way. But the frequent use of styling products, foams, varnishes and other substances of this kind dries out the scalp, which irritates it and makes it vulnerable to infections.

You should not chase “utilitarianism” - it may be more convenient to wash your hair with a universal remedy (for the head and for the body), but only specialized products can provide proper care.

When caring for your hair, you should not do anything through pain, because painis likely to signal that you are doing something wrong.

In addition, it should be remembered that do not comb wet hair - this will damage it. Also, avoid synthetic materials in your combs and consider using a wooden comb.

Helpful hints

As an additional stimulation of hair growth in men, you can advise neck massage, since it reflexively increases the blood supply to the scalp, it helps relieve muscle hypertonicity in this area, which sometimes negatively affects hair growth. And when massage of the hairy part You can also rub warm mineral oil into your scalp.

Professional salons can offer deeper and more effective methods, for example, injections into the scalp of vitamins important for hair growth... This procedure is called mesotherapy and is carried out in courses of 10 sessions over several weeks.

Exposure to a moderate current that stimulates hair growth is called darsonvalization. In addition to direct action on the hair, darsonvalization normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.

In addition to nutrient substrates, ozone concentrate can be injected into the skin, as in mesotherapy - this technique is called ozone therapy.

Another difficult method is the introduction of the patient's autoplasm into the skin - plasma lifting. This procedure will help to provide the patient's hair with its own protein, not foreign. And such a remedy as placenta extract mixed with vitamins looks quite exotic, but nevertheless, even it can be used as a method of strengthening hair.

It is extremely problematic to grow long hair for a boy quickly, since the growth processes in children are not yet expressed. Therefore, you just need to provide them with all the necessary nutrients.

        In case of persistent hair problems, consult a doctor, moreover, the range of specialists whose services will help to solve this problem can be large, and include not only therapists and endocrinologists. After all, hair growth disorders or their intense hair loss in men can be caused by neurological and even mental pathology.

        In general, don't expect to grow hair fast: this process lasts a long time, and throughout its entire length the hairline needs care and nutrition, which are carried out in stages.

        For information on how to grow a man's hair, see the video.

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