90s men's hairstyles
Very often, when creating hairstyles or collections, stylists rely on the fashion of the past. It often happens that in a certain way the story is combined with the present. In this article, we will take a look at some of the trendy men's hairstyles from the 90s.
In those days in Russia, the fashion for hairstyles was copied from pop stars. They tried to imitate their style and appearance - the more unusual and defiant the image of a singer or actor was, the more people tried to copy it. In the 90s, there were a huge number of different men's haircuts.
Retro haircuts were very popular among the owners of long bangs. Although not everyone could afford to resort to such solutions. This was done only by those who were not afraid of experimenting with their appearance. At that time, in addition to perming hair, men tried other ways to change the shape of their hair.
The “old” style also works well with medium length hair.
Side bangs, straight or torn haircuts require special attention and careful care. The main challenge was to stand out in your company. The appearance was supposed to cause envy among peers and often shock among the older generation.
In the 90s, not only girls, but also young men wanted to stand out from the crowd. Everyone wanted to look better than their peers. The hairstyles of the past were a mixture of different styles. Let's take a look at some of the haircuts that used to rank first in fashion history:
- "Hat";
- elongated curls;
- "Hedgehog";
- "Caesar";
- shaved whiskey and voluminous bangs.
Let's take a closer look at each of these hairstyles.
"Hat" - short hairline in the 90s was the standard for men's hairstyles. But the fashion for long hair forced the owners of short hair to lengthen the strands a little to medium length, given the fact that the girls really liked it... Such hair does not require excessive care anyway. The described hairstyle is a short lower part of the head and the top is much longer. Thus, a beautiful and neat haircut was obtained, having a look similar to the name.
Such haircuts are preferable for owners of thick and lush curls. In this case, the splendor of the form lasts for a very long time, and there are no problems with styling. The secret to her success is versatility as she suits most guys.
Long curls
It happened that young men with straight hair looked with envy at women's curls and wanted to have the same. What to do in a similar situation? In those years, chemical and biowaving came into vogue. Guys, whose hair did not have volume, spent a lot of effort for this procedure. As a result, thin, straight hair became elongated curls.
After the described procedure, the hair was treated with various preparations, thereby giving the hair a finished look. Chemicals were selected for a specific curling.
On today, the technique for performing this procedure has practically not changed... The only difference is that today there are a huge number of all kinds of chemicals for every taste and wallet.
This hairstyle was worn by young men who were not afraid to declare themselves. Such an appearance imparted masculinity and self-confidence. The haircut itself was very simple and comfortable. Using a small amount of chemicals, you can turn unmanageable hair into a stylish hairstyle.
In appearance, the haircut is hair sticking up, resembling the needles of a hedgehog. A similar solution is well suited for short, coarse hair up to 4 cm long. If the hair is soft, then you will need to use various means to fix the curls.
The haircut was first seen in athletes studying at Yale University. This hairstyle attracted the attention of not only fans, but also government officials watching the competition. In the future, this trend was picked up by ordinary people.
This haircut has been popular for over 30 years. In the 90s, various stripes were in fashion, the color of which determined the youth trend. The bleaching of this hairstyle was done by the famous rapper Eminem, who started this style.
This haircut is chosen by those who want to be stylish, but it will not suit everyone. Its features include short bangs no more than 0.9 mm long. It is ideal for men with an oval face that is slightly elongated. This hairstyle is not recommended for owners of curly hair. It has no pronounced graduation lines.
Shaved whiskey and voluminous bangs
In those years, hairdressers did not have all the necessary tools and chemicals to achieve heights in their business. But, in spite of everything, the style of the 90s has absorbed many different options, the implementation of which does not take much time and effort, and the styling done in this way lasts a very long time.
Shaved whiskey with chunky bangs was very popular due to its neat appearance and style. Technically, this is a simple haircut. It does not contain sharp lines, and all transitions are smooth. But even such a simple hairstyle had to be styled. Not everyone could afford to spend time on this every day, but not those who like experimenting with their appearance and attention from the weaker sex. These young men did the styling with great care.
Execution technique
90s style is very popular. It looks good against the background of business suits. To depict a similar "composition" on the head of hair, you must:
- the hairstyle is performed on well-washed, clean hair, slightly moisturized;
- drying takes place by directing the hair dryer in the direction you need for styling;
- during drying, the air from the hair dryer should fall on the hair evenly and not overheat it;
- the most important point in the implementation of any hairstyle is the correctly selected styling products, since the desired result depends on this.
The wax is applied only to the ends of the hair and can also be used to shape the bangs.
The varnish must be applied after the end of the procedure. (works well with the simulator). The secret to the success of any hairstyle lies in healthy hair, which requires constant and proper care.
You can learn about a simple way to choose a men's hairstyle from the video.