Laser hair removal for men

  1. Features, pros and cons
  2. Which parts of the body are suitable for epilation
  3. How to Prepare?
  4. Varieties
  5. How is the procedure going?
  6. Follow-up care

Many men in our time, just like women, do not deny themselves the care of themselves. For example, the question of removing hair from the body is relevant for them. Of course, you can use the old method - to remove hair with a razor, but this method cannot be called the best, since there are much more effective methods. Laser hair removal is one of the most demanded procedures in beauty salons. The painless method allows you to quickly remove hair from the body, and then be content with the result for a long time. When exposed to ultraviolet rays, the hairs are heated, and then the bulbs are destroyed.

Features, pros and cons

It should be noted right away that men's laser hair removal is similar to women's. However, given that the hairs in men are much stiffer, cover a large area of ​​the body, and the roots lie much deeper, they need to undergo a longer course of hair removal than women. Besides, sessions for representatives of the strong half of humanity are somewhat longer.

Laser hair removal is not suitable for everyone. This procedure is contraindicated in people who have tumors, diabetes, rashes, or other skin conditions. Laser hair removal should not be performed on people whose skin is prone to keloid scars, as well as those who have acute infectious diseases. Shortly before visiting a beautician, a man should not do shugaring (sugar hair removal), since he will have to wait for the restoration of the follicles. And this can take a whole month.

Men, like women, do not want to experience pain when epilating. Painful sensations can be avoided, since modern laser devices have nozzles that cool the skin, which reduce the client's sensitivity to the epilation site. However, if you treat large areas of skin (for example, the back) and undergo a session with a laser acting on melanin, unpleasant sensations may appear. For men who decide to try laser hair removal on themselves, it is advisable to learn about its pros and cons. This will help you make an informed decision.

There are a lot of pluses. Let's list them.

  • Painlessness. In many salons, specialists use cooling nozzles for the skin, so the discomfort is minimized.
  • The effectiveness of the procedure. After a few sessions, you can forget about regular shaving and skin irritation.
  • Comfort. Specialists select the intensity of the effect depending on the type of skin, and when treating delicate areas of the body, they use anesthetic gels.
  • Versatility. Laser hair removal is suitable for all skin types.
  • Positive consequences. After laser hair removal, a man does not have to deal with the problem of ingrown hairs, wounds and acne. In addition, the laser beam acts only on the hair follicle without affecting the surrounding skin.

Cons, of course, are also present, but in smaller quantities.

  • Restrictions. Laser hair removal is not suitable for all men. It is contraindicated for those people who have any infectious diseases or hormonal disorders. Therefore, before the procedure, it is recommended to visit doctors and be examined.
  • Negative consequences. If the procedure is performed by an incompetent technician, traces resembling burns may remain on the skin. So the choice of specialists should be approached with caution, for example, in advance to find out the reviews of the salon's clients.
  • Number of procedures. Hair removal is an effective method of hair removal, but you cannot get rid of it permanently, so you have to return to it from time to time.

Which parts of the body are suitable for epilation

Compared to women's hair removal, the men's procedure is distinguished by the processing of additional zones, in particular, we are talking about the face and neck area. Constantly shaving can sometimes be a tedious task for men, so they come to that decision. Beard epilation is suitable for those who want to achieve a smooth skin effect. Sideburns, mustaches, ear and nose hairs are also removed on the face. Specialists correct the eyebrows and remove excess overgrowth in the area between the eyebrows. It is not uncommon for men to encounter unwanted vegetation on their belly. It can cover both the entire surface of the abdomen and some parts of it. The skin in this part of the body is sensitive, so shaving here is often very irritating. Epilation with diode laser solves the problem by making the abdominal skin smooth.

Not only women want to remove hairs from legs and armpits. In addition, men often go to the salon, wanting to remove hairs from the chest, back, buttocks and fingers. There are no medical contraindications for hair removal on certain areas of the body, so a man can safely try the modern method on himself.

However, it is worth knowing that if you want to grow a mustache after epilation, you will have to wait a while, you will not be able to do this right away.

How to Prepare?

Laser hair removal requires prior preparation. There are a number of recommendations that must be followed.

  • Avoid contact with sunlight for a while. Of course, this rule is not relevant in winter, but in the summer, when the sun actively affects the skin, it is advisable to apply the cream on the skin with a high level of protection before each going outside.
  • Before the procedure, you must refrain from applying self-tanning to the skin.
  • Hair removal is allowed, but not in all ways. You cannot remove hairs from the body using the sugaring technique or wax, since you will have to wait for some time for the restoration of the follicles. It is allowed to use a razor.
  • For the procedure, you must respect the length of the hairs. It is advisable to first find out in the salon a more accurate purpose, since everything depends on the specific removal zone.
  • 3 days before visiting a specialist, you should stop using creams, lotions and other cosmetics that contain alcohol: there may be undesirable consequences in the form of burns on the skin.
  • Before epilation, it is advisable to apply an antiseptic to the treated area of ​​the skin. It is recommended to do this 60 minutes before the procedure. This is especially true if a man has sensitive skin.

It can be added that it is better to limit the intake of medications for a while. And you need to start such a limitation about 2 weeks before visiting the salon (the terms can be checked with specialists). Proper preparation for laser hair removal will eliminate possible adverse effects.


In beauty salons, several types of laser are used for hair removal. All of them differ only in wavelength - the final result depends on it. As a rule, the type of laser is selected depending on the type of hair. The amazing effect of laser hair removal is very difficult to achieve with an epilator or razor.

Consider the types of laser.

  • Ruby. It belongs to the first devices that laid the foundation for laser therapy. This laser got its name from the stone from which the rod is made. Since the length of its beam is small (694 nm), hair removal occurs slowly, which leads to painful sensations. Typically, this type of laser is used when it is required to remove dark hairs on light skin.In addition to hairs, tattoos of saturated shades are also removed.
  • Alexandrite. This laser produces a 755 nm beam. The epilation time lasts no more than an hour, but sometimes it is less, depending on the zone and type of vegetation. Apply on red and blond hair, as well as on sensitive skin. The Alexandrite laser not only destroys the hair root, but also prevents the development of a new bulb in the treatment area. If you complete the full course of procedures, the vegetation will be removed by 92%.
  • Diode. Most effective when you need to soften the hairs and then remove them. The wavelength of this type of laser is 810 nm. The laser acts on hairs that are in the stage of active growth. It is worth knowing that for efficiency you need to conduct several sessions. After the diode laser, no redness remains on the body. In addition, it removes not only hairs, but also blackheads that often remain after shaving a beard.
  • Neodymium. This type of laser system can be used both in winter and in summer. A distinctive feature of the laser is its wavelength, reaching a length of 1063 nm. The laser penetrates deep into the tissues without touching the skin. As a result of deep exposure, not only hairs, tattoos, acne, scars are removed from the body, but the skin is tightened and wrinkles are smoothed.

How is the procedure going?

The epilation procedure for men is no different from that for women. During the procedure, the patient will need to wear protective glasses (to protect against the negative effects of radiation), after which the specialist proceeds to remove the hairs. A very important rule: a man needs to do hair removal with a razor per day, since hair removal will be more successful if the hairs on his body are not shorter than 1 mm.

Before the procedure, the specialist will anesthetize the epilation site with a special gel. After that, the area of ​​the area on the body with hair is irradiated. The time of the procedure depends on the density of the vegetation. During the procedure, the laser beam passes along the hair shaft and heats the cells that contain melanin. As a result, the hair follicles are destroyed. At the end of the procedure, the salon specialist applies an anti-irritation agent to the client's skin.

Follow-up care

Over the next days, a man must take care of his skin on his own. He can use common emollients such as Panthenol. After the procedure, it is not recommended to wear open clothing in hot weather. In extreme cases, a highly protective cream should be applied to the skin. In addition, you cannot visit the sauna, moisturize the treated area for 24 hours.

It is advisable to refrain from wearing tight-fitting underwear for at least two days. Two days are allotted for the healing of the skin, so you need to wear clothes and underwear made of soft fabrics, such as cotton. For a week after the procedure, it is forbidden to play sports in order to avoid bacterial inflammation on the skin due to increased sweating. Laser hair removal is gaining popularity among men around the world.

The client who visits the salon chooses any service himself, explaining to the specialist in which areas he wants to remove the hairs. Adhering to simple rules before and after the procedure, you can get smooth and beautiful skin without vegetation and irritation.

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