Armani men's jeans: features, models, combination rules

  1. Brand Description
  2. Dimensions (edit)
  3. Popular models
  4. How to wear?

At any age, a man wants to look fashionable and modern. An indispensable item of every man's wardrobe is jeans. They are the ones who are able to create an exclusive youthful image, especially if these are jeans from a well-known fashion brand, for example, Armani.

Brand Description

Armani Jeans is a youth line that is part of the Giorgio Armani brand. The series includes casual and practical clothing for leisure and travel. The line was created especially for connoisseurs of freedom and democratic style.

The first Emporio Armani store was opened back in 1981; the assortment of products, including jeans, was also designed for a young and active audience.

This also includes the Armani Exchange line. Its designers were inspired by street style, bright image of modern youth, new musical directions, therefore the jeans of the series also embody freedom and individuality.

Whichever line from Giorgio Armani is chosen, it will always be jeans made in the impeccable style of the Fashion House. Lovers of casual style will find their image by choosing the most suitable product from a wide range. The jeans of the presented brand reflect the energy of youth and sexuality.

The brand's jeans are produced in Italy, India, China, Peru, Tunisia. One of the features of jeans is their versatility, that is, they are suitable both for visiting the office and for a party with friends. The collection features various styles and colors. Products are made of high quality materials, reliable fittings are used in the production.

Thus, Armani jeans are a combination of youth style with high quality and anatomical comfort that every man will appreciate.

Dimensions (edit)

The size range of jeans of the presented brand has several features. The fact is that these products are considered larger. For example, a man with a short stature and size S should not be guided by the S from Armani, since the S size in the presented company is intended for a man with an average height, and the international size M is suitable for a young man whose pants width is 40- 42 cm. Before buying jeans, you should first take measurements of old trousers at home and compare the readings with the indicated data on the jeans you like. If you measure only the proportions of the body, then there is a possibility of getting an error up to the whole size.

Be sure to try on trousers when shopping. Make sure the button fastens easily and there is no pressure in the hips. Excessive space is also inappropriate. Usually, the length of the legs is determined by the style, but if this is a classic version, then do not be intimidated by a light "accordion" from the bottom - for men's classic jeans this is considered the norm.

Popular models

The products are offered in various cuts. These are classic straight trousers, and skinny skinny, and models with wide legs, and summer short denim shorts. The following models of the Emporio Armani brand are popular:

  • Skinny jeans. Crafted from comfortable 7.5 oz denim.
  • Model J36Crafted from twill weave cotton denim with signature shawl. Weight - 11 oz. The scarf is decorated with the company logo.
  • Skinny jeans in comfortable vintage denim right-handed weaving. The offered close-fitting cut is always up-to-date. Vintage detailing and a detachable chain clip for a unique style.

To create a noble male look, combine this model with a jacket or shirt, and for meeting friends, sweatshirts and sneakers are more suitable.

  • Slim fit jeans in stretch cotton. This is a classic model that has been in trend for many years and will remain fashionable for a long time to come. Versatility, style, the ability to create a unique image are the main advantages of the model.

How to wear?

If a man has a standard body type, then he can wear jeans of any color, it is only important to harmoniously choose the shade of the top and take into account the weather conditions. For young people who may have some imperfections in proportions, we advise you to heed the following recommendations.

  • For tall men, we advise you to give up jeans that are the same color as your shoes. This combination will further lengthen the already long legs.
  • It is advisable for young people with a dense physique to avoid trousers made in light or bright colors, as this effect will add even more volume to the legs.
  • Men with a short stature and a thin figure are not recommended to wear dark-colored jeans, otherwise their legs will look even shorter.

Light blue models go well with white T-shirts, light-colored shirts, sweatshirts and thick knit sweaters. As a top, a leather jacket is a safe bet. To add elegance to such jeans, you can choose a white or blue shirt, and put on a jacket on top.

A belt, tie or scarf will be appropriate for classic models., but please note that these things should be done in the same shade as the shoes. If a man prefers black jeans, then he is probably a supporter of a sporty look and casual style. Shirts of any colors, bright sweaters, turtlenecks and jumpers are suitable for such a model.

In the next video, you will find the jeans from the Emporio Armani men's collection.

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