How and with what to shave your head?

  1. Peculiarities
  2. Preparation
  3. The ways
  4. How often should you shave your head?
  5. Follow-up care

Men, like women, also sometimes want to change their image, this also applies to hairstyles. For example, you want to suddenly become bald. Or it happens that areas appear on the head where hair does not grow. Then many people decide that it is better to have bald patches than bald patches. In this regard, a reasonable question arises, how and with what to shave your head.


Bald men are in trend today. And many find this appearance attractive. What prompted the man to shave his head is another question. Whether he just decided to get rid of his hair or, on the contrary, wants to improve its growth and texture in this way, shaving to zero is important to carry out correctly.

Many people think that shaving off hair will be useful if it has become thin, sparse, and bald patches appear. Then they will start to grow better and be thicker. In fact, it is impossible to say that it will be 100% so. It all depends on the genes. If the hair was damaged for some reason (coloring, drying out), then healthy hair will grow back. If they are just rare, they began to fall out, it is unlikely that after such a global haircut, everything will change.

But definitely, provided that a bald spot began to appear on the top of the head, it is better to completely shave off your hair than to try to disguise it.

The benefit will be that the appearance will change, you will not have to think about how to style your hair, there will be no need to visit hairdressing salons, and you will not have to spend a lot of money on it. Facial features will become pronounced.

It will also be useful to have a haircut for those who suffer from some kind of disease, for example, seborrhea, the presence of parasites.

The harm from such changes will be obvious if you do not take care of your head. At the same time, the skin should look perfect, there should be no irritation or redness on it. The disadvantages include the fact that in the cold season the head freezes faster, and in the heat, accordingly, heats up. But this problem can be easily solved by using a hat based on the situation.

A beautiful bald spot can be done in a hairdressing salon - there the master will perform everything at the highest level in a very short period of time. It is also very cheap. But you can carry out the same procedure at home. Even if the first experience is not so successful, over time the necessary skills will appear, and it will be possible without any problems to put your appearance in order on a regular basis, without resorting to outside help.


It is worth considering the fact that the first home experience may not be entirely successful.

Over time, of course, the skills will improve. But the first shave is best done when this day and, perhaps, the next one does not need to go anywhere.

The correct preparation, which is easy to suck, contributes to a successful procedure. By following these simple rules, you can avoid cuts, irritations and areas of remaining hair.

  1. First you need to steam your head well - you can take a hot shower or lie down in the bath. Hair will become softer and skin more elastic.
  2. If the hair is long enough and has never been shaved, it should be trimmed to the minimum level.
  3. Then apply a thick layer of shaving cream to your head. This will help prevent damage to the skin and shave all hairs properly.

The ways

You can shave your own head in different ways. Everyone chooses what is most convenient for him. You may have to experiment at first. Some people believe that when you carry out the procedure yourself, it is better to choose a hair clipper.However, sometimes in your arsenal, in order to do everything right and get a beautiful bald spot, you will need to have several tools at once.

Someone at first uses a trimmer that does not cut the hair completely. This makes it possible to see if a very short haircut will suit a man, and even more so a bald head.

Unfortunately, there are situations when it is better not to shave baldly - these can be various defects on the skin, an irregular shape of the skull. All these nuances must be taken into account before deciding on such drastic changes.

But when an important decision is made, and there are no more doubts, many begin to wonder: what is the best way to shave - an electric razor, razor or straight razor. Whichever method is chosen, you need to act according to a certain algorithm, observing all precautions. Let's consider each method in more detail.

Machine tool

In stores, you can find different options for machines: there are disposable copies, with replaceable blocks, multi-lane. Any of them can be shaved. If you decide to use disposable, you need to prepare several pieces at once, and you will also need a shaving brush, foam, shaving cream or gel, and a towel.

The process should start from the area above the forehead, moving to the back of the head. One movement of the machine captures from 2 to 4 centimeters. There is no need to press hard on the machine, the movements should be light and smooth. On the back of the head and neck, you can shave as you like using different directions.

If after the end of the procedure there are still hairs, you need to smear the head again, and walk the machine over the surface again.

Straight razor

With a wide variety of devices and accessories, many choose the conservative method. At the same time, you cannot call it easy - it will take training.

In ancient times, a thick soap foam was prepared for such a procedure. But now there is no shortage of various means. Therefore, you can choose what you like - gel, cream or foam. During the entire process, smooth movements should be made along the growth of the hair, moving from the forehead to the neck. The correct position of the shaver is always at an angle of about 40 degrees. After each movement that captures a certain amount of hair, you need to rinse the razor in warm water.

To work the back of the head and neck, you need to move from the bottom up - from the neck to the back of the head. For a perfect shave, you will have to repeat this procedure 2 times, or maybe 3.

It should be noted that using such an attribute at home is unsafe, so keep antiseptics on hand in case of a cut.

It is better to conduct the first procedures with a professional, and at the same time take a closer look at the algorithm of his actions, along the way asking questions of interest.

Electric shaver

An electric shaver seems to be a simpler option for many. And, indeed, on the modern market there are many convenient attachments with various attachments. To make the procedure not so traumatic, you need to monitor the sharpness of the knives, and they should be lubricated before shaving.

The algorithm of actions will be the same. Movements should be carried out from the forehead towards the back of the head. The temporal areas should be shaved, gently pushing back the auricles. The occipital part is processed, moving from the neck to the back of the head.

How often should you shave your head?

Those who decide to change their image and always be bald should shave constantly to maintain a neat and presentable look. This should be a habit, just like shaving regularly or grooming your beard, if you have one.

By the way, many men successfully combine a bald head with a beard, while looking very attractive, subject to regular grooming, of course.

What should be the time interval from one beat to another, it is impossible to say unequivocally. It all depends on the characteristics of the organism, genetic predisposition. Some hair grows extremely slowly, others very quickly.Therefore, it is enough for one person to shave his head every month, another can do it once a week, and the third has to repeat the procedure every 2 days.

There are also those who are sure: in order for the bald spot to look its best, you need to shave every day. Only in this case can one hope for an attractive appearance and a flawless bald spot. But not everyone is ready to make such sacrifices, to spend a certain amount of time every day on procedures. Each is based solely on his own circumstances. But it is believed that on average, hair grows 1 cm per month.

For better hair growth, it is most likely pointless for a man to shave his head. Typically, this procedure is performed at a very early age to the child. This can be limited.

It is unlikely that the hair after shaving will become thicker, especially since this will not be possible to achieve in adulthood. Therefore, if the whole process is conceived only for the sake of improving the structure of the hair, it is not worth the effort.

When you need to get rid of spoiled hair, cope with some diseases, a one-time shave will certainly be beneficial. New healthy hair will just grow back. But at the same time, you need to understand that they will not become thicker.

If you want your hair to look better, you need to take care of it, eat right, and avoid stress. All this affects their appearance. And you also need to keep in mind that if bald spots are already present on the head, they will not disappear after shaving in the process of hair regrowth.

Follow-up care

Immediately after the shaving procedure, thoroughly wash off the foam and remaining hair. Then gently pat dry your head with a soft towel. And then you need to apply a caring agent to soften and moisturize the skin. It can be a moisturizer or gel. You will have to take care of your bald spot regularly. It is good if there are no problems and the skin looks neat and well-groomed. But sometimes there are troubles with which to fight. These include:

  • peeling;
  • itching;
  • various rashes;
  • redness;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions.

To avoid this, you need to choose quality care products. The head should be washed with shampoo. Lack of hair does not mean that a simple rinse with water can be dispensed with. Dirt, sweat, fat also accumulate on the scalp. All this must be washed off so that no irritations appear.

If redness and itching do occur, you need to try changing cosmetics: shampoo, cream. You can treat your scalp with a tonic for sensitive skin or micellar water.

If all else fails, you should consult a doctor - perhaps the cause of these rashes lies in the malfunction of the whole organism, and without the help of a specialist, this issue cannot be understood for sure.

As a moisturizer, a balm is suitable based on the type of skin. If the bald spot is shiny, many use regular talcum powder.

In summer, you should definitely wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun and overheating, and in cold weather, you should also not neglect hats.

Having studied all aspects of shaving the head, the pros and cons of the procedure, it is worth coming to the right decision, understanding what a bald spot is for, and whether there is enough time to care for it.

For information on how to shave your head at home, see the next video.

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