Beard grows unevenly: causes, treatment and care

  1. Types of violations
  2. Causes
  3. Ways to fight
  4. Prophylaxis
  5. Expert advice

Today on the street you can find many representatives of the stronger sex with a beard. This feature of appearance emphasizes male brutality, helps to attract the attention of the opposite sex and even corrects the shape of the face. However, not all men are so lucky. Most guys have huge problems growing facial hair. And there are many reasons for this.

Types of violations

A lush beard is an element of masculine beauty. She is a symbol of courage, maturity, self-confidence.

A brutal stubble or full beard looks great, but only if the hair grows evenly.

Most men today cannot grow even a miniature beard, as they face a number of specific problems, including:

  • uneven hair growth;
  • lack of hair growth on the cheeks;
  • lack of hair growth in the chin area;
  • active beard growth in some places;
  • the presence of bald spots;
  • normal growth of bristles on only one side of the face;
  • beard growth in patches.


The abnormal growth of bristles in medical terminology is called alopecia areata. In simple terms, the beard grows unevenly, in patches. And there are many reasons for this:

  • genetics (if the father had bald patches on his chin, it is most likely that his son will also face this);
  • nationality (for example, representatives of the Mongoloid race, in principle, do not have facial hair);
  • skin diseases;
  • damage to the skin (in places of deep cuts, scars are formed on which hair does not grow);
  • improper functioning of the endocrine system;
  • malfunctioning of the thyroid gland;
  • ecology;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • stress;
  • great physical activity;
  • abrupt climate change;
  • taking hormone therapy;
  • Youth (boys aged 15-18 have a surge of hormones, and only at the end of puberty, the bristles begin to grow evenly).

Ways to fight

There are several ways to deal with an unevenly growing beard. First of all - proper nutrition and healthy sleep. It is necessary to eliminate stress, start playing sports, get rid of bad habits.

Proper nutrition consists of an appropriate diet... Stop eating fried, spicy, and sweet foods. The diet should be enriched with foods containing magnesium, iron, calcium, protein and fiber. Ideally, the menu should consist of meat, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, fish and various cereals.

Another way to correct uneven facial hair growth is to take vitamins. There is a possibility that the vitamin complex contained in the consumed products is lacking in the body. Will come to the rescue "Alphabet", "Aevit".

Their composition not only restores the vitamin complex in the body, but also strengthens the immune system.

The third way is massage. This is a free home therapy option that every man can handle. Stimulation of the skin improves blood flow to the hair follicles, thereby awakening and regenerating the hair growth process. The massage should be done every day for 10 minutes. A little massage oil should be applied to the fingers and rubbed into the area of ​​beard growth in a circular motion.

Masks are another way to correct uneven facial hair growth. Before the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse and steam the face, which allows you to maximize the pores and prepare the epidermis to receive nutrients. The most common masks are burdock, castor oil, red pepper, eucalyptus, and essential oils.

When contacting a medical center with a problem with abnormal hair growth, the doctor will prescribe certain medications. But first, the specialist will carry out a complete diagnosis of the patient, identify the cause of the problem, and then prescribe certain medications.

Today, many men are sure that they will help in the fight against bald spots on the beard. folk remedies. For example, aloe juice, onion water and red pepper infusion. Herbs are best suited oak bark, chamomile, nettle. Decoctions are prepared from these components, with which problem areas of the skin are rinsed. After an hour, you need to wash. The problem of uneven growth will help to cope infusion of cognac, mustard powder, egg yolk and honey.

Another way to fix beard hair growth problems is using appropriate creams... These tools are effective, but you will not be able to see the result immediately. This therapy will bear fruit in about six months.


So that men with the correct hair growth do not have such problems, it is important to adhere to several rules. First of all you need to start monitoring your health. In the morning, do exercises, stretch the muscles of the face, it is advisable to sign up for the gym. It is not recommended to lead a sedentary lifestyle... Men working in the office are advised to move around the office every hour.

It is important to monitor your diet. Eat nuts, meat, seafood, eggs, cheese. You should give up fast food and sweets.

We must not forget about personal hygiene. You should wash your face 2 times a day. In the evenings, massage and apply masks. Regrown hairs must be shortened to the required length using special tools.

For men who have managed to restore correct hair growth, it is necessary to visit a doctor every 3 months. At each visit to a specialist, the patient will undergo a full diagnosis and receive the necessary appointment, if any.

The ideal way to hide emerging bald spots is to completely shave off the hair from the face until proper growth is fully restored.

Expert advice

Growing a beard is a very difficult long-term process that requires a lot of strength and patience. The beauty and neat appearance of facial hair requires special attention and full care. To maintain proper beard growth, you need to heed a few tips from experienced barbers.

  • First of all, you need refuse disposable machines and reusable razors. It is especially difficult in the first week of hair growth.
  • It is important to endure the itching. 4 weeks after the start of regrowth in men, the effect of irritation appears on the face. The hairs become stiffer and more prickly. They then irritate the sensitive layer of the epidermis, which causes itching. It is important to wait out this stage of growing a beard, otherwise the infection is likely to occur. It is recommended to use a baby cream to relieve irritation.
  • Proper care needs to be taken... Regular hygiene requires washing your beard with a special cleanser or soap. It is suggested to use conditioner to soften the hair. When using these cosmetics, impurities are removed from the hair itself and hidden skin, and sebaceous deposits are removed.
  • You need to brush your beard regularly... To do this, you will have to purchase a special comb with fine teeth. The procedure stimulates blood flow, which, when exposed to the hair follicles, accelerates the hair growth process. Regular brushing increases the strength of the roots of the beard hairs.
  • Don't forget about modeling... As soon as the hair reaches 2-3 cm, you need to start shaping the beard. If you want to grow a long beard, the modeling procedure should be started a little later. Beard edging is an important part of styling.With its help, it is possible to express the cheekbones, to form the contour of the neck and cheeks.
  • To grow a beard, you need stock up on special oils, which are hair growth stimulants. They not only stimulate the growth of the beard, but also improve the structure of the hair and soften the skin of the face.
  • When growing a beard, it is recommended visit a barbershop... He is a true professional in his field. With the help of a trimmer and special scissors, the master trims the contour of the beard, making it uniform and neat.

For information on how to cope with uneven beard growth, see the next video.

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