What is a goatee and how to grow it?
The phrase "goatee" often associated with something unpleasant and perceived as ridicule. But in fact, such an accessory adds originality to the male image. It is not for nothing that this type of beard is so popular among representatives of show business. A beard will look stylish and attractive only if it is properly styled and then looked after... To fulfill these conditions, certain rules must be followed.
A goatee is an element of the exterior of a man's appearance.... This format assumes the presence of bristles, shaped in a certain way. In this case, the main part of the hair is concentrated precisely under the lower lip on the central part of the chin. The neck can be bristled or clean-shaven. Length the beard itself can also be different. On the sides, the beard is delimited by two vertical lines.
Interesting fact! It is noteworthy that some men braid pigtails from their beards. But this is purely individual.
If speak about the classic version of the goatee, then it does not imply the presence of a mustache. Some men add a mustache, but here it is important to observe one condition - in length they must be combined with a beard.
Experts say that this type of beard is considered universal.... It is suitable for all face shapes, as well as for any physique. In addition to style, such a beard will help hide an ugly chin shape. You can also grow a beard if you want to hide some defects on the skin, for example, a scar or a mole.
Men who grow such a beard automatically take on the appearance of a womanizer or even a villain. Although in real life, a person can have a completely opposite character set.
Goatee is just a generic name. There are many varieties of design. They differ from each other in several ways.
- Short and long... A long beard will look good on chubby men. It will visually make the chin longer. The short version is ideal for men whose stubble does not grow very quickly. A short beard is best suited for those who have a narrow and long face of an oval or triangular shape.
- A narrow beard goes well with a mustache. But it can also be a separate item.
Those looking to create an eye-catching look need to grow a beard like this.
- Another variety is the musketeer beard... This is a stylish option that will be relevant almost at all times. For the image of a knight of our time, such a beard will be the most likely.
- An unusual option - a beard "from the lips"... It is called that because it starts from the lips.
- With a smooth transition from the mustache. In this case, the beard is combined with a mustache.
The choice is individual and depends on some features of the appearance.
How to do it?
If for some reason it is not possible to visit a barbershop (a salon specializing in the design and subsequent care of a beard and mustache), then you can arrange a goatee at home with your own hands. This is only possible if the bristles are thick.
For example, in adolescents, stubble rarely grows, so only a professional can arrange a decent beard.
Growing from scratch
So that the goatee does not make the image of a man overly shocking or, in general, comical, it should be properly grown. This is not as easy as it seems at first glance. At first, you should simply refuse to shave on this part of the face.This is necessary in order for the bristles to reach the desired length, at which it will be possible to deal with its design. Depending on the rate of hair growth, this will take 6 to 8 weeks. To speed up the process, as well as make the vegetation thicker and more uniform, it is recommended to lubricate the bristles with castor or burdock oil during this period (if there is no allergic reaction to these products).
At the time of growing, you will have to come to terms with the fact that the bristles will not look very neat.
To minimize this circumstance, you need to use special styling products for the beard. So the hair on the face can be given a more or less neat look.
We make out the existing
As soon as the bristles are ready, you can safely move on to decorating them in order to complete the look. Before starting the registration, you need to prepare all the tools necessary for the procedure.
- Hairdressers scissorshaving sufficiently sharp and even canvases. If a person plans to take care of the beard constantly and maintain it on the face for a long time, then it is better to buy professional scissors. They are more expensive than usual, but they will be not only comfortable to use, but also simple.
- Scallop with thin teeth. Better if it is made of good quality plastic. The purpose of this accessory is to comb through tangled bristles.
- Sharp razor... This tool is necessary for high-quality shaving of the cheeks (stubble is not expected with this version of the beard on this part of the face). And also with the help of a razor, you can make an even edging of the beard.
- Trimmer... Despite the fact that the edging can also be made using a razor, for this purpose it is better to separately purchase a trimmer complete with several attachments. Even beginners can perform edging with this device. At the same time, the risk of injury to the skin surface is minimized.
- And you will also need gel or foam for shaving and lotion with a calming effect.
When everything you need is ready, you need a little work with bristles. To do this, you need to wash it (preferably with a specially designed product) and comb it well. This is required in order for the beard to be neat and symmetrical.
If the bristles are already prepared, you need to decide on the contour of the future beard... For beginners in this business, it is better to outline the contours. You can use a pen to do this, as the ink can be easily washed off later. Following the outlined boundaries, using a trimmer, you need to remove all excess vegetation.
This stage must be taken as responsibly as possible, since one awkward movement will entail unnecessary hair removal. We'll have to shave off all the vegetation, and grow the bristles again.
Then you need to go to beard trimming. To do this, the bristles are pulled with a comb and trimmed with scissors. Keep your hair taut when trimming. To exclude the creation of an irregular shape, it is necessary to cut from the bottom up.
An important point! During the cutting process, the scissors should move from the neck to the chin. Such actions will allow you to create the optimal length. And in order for the beard to look neat, it is necessary to cut off the protruding hairs with the help of scissors.
When cutting hair, they must be taken in small separate strands. After processing each of them, you need to visually control the compliance with the desired shape. After the beard is framed, you need complete this process by trimming the remaining irregularities with a trimmer.
Care Tips
Even a perfectly shaped beard will require constant grooming in the future. It is recommended to do the following:
- regularly cut hairs that have come out of the total mass;
- in the morning and in the evening (sometimes during the day) it is necessary to comb the beard;
- wash your beard regularly;
- you need to use means for fixing and styling, for example, special wax.
After the first design, you need to be prepared for the fact that the beard will not turn out to be of the same shape as you would like.... After trimming, the bristles will grow back pretty quickly and you can try again. To accelerate growth, you can massage this area of the face, as well as use oils that activate hair growth. Each time, the skills will be honed. As a result, after a while it will be possible to design a beautiful and original goatee at home.
For information on how to choose a beard according to the shape of your face, see the next video.